My Muse: Jaya Henderson

I am beyond excited to introduce you to my next muse. Her name is Jaya, and she is one of my favourite people in the entire world! I call her my Aussie sister (hopefully one day soon she will officially be my sister-in-law – no pressure on my brother or anything but our entire family loves her! I already consider her a sister and love her to pieces!) Jaya is full of energy and such a joy to be around. I feel happy whenever I am around her and am constantly inspired by her.


Some of you know that I am a romantic at heart, and my brother and Jaya’s love story is one of my favourite because it reminds me that if something is meant to happen, it will happen no matter the odds! So my brother lives in Ottawa, Canada and Jaya is from Perth, Australia and they met while they were on vacations in Oahu, Hawaii! Amazing right?! A few weeks after they met, Jaya came for a visit to Ottawa and a few months after that got a VISA to come to Canada. She has been in Canada now for over a year and got to experience our distinct four seasons which I am sure was a bit of a culture shock for her!!


One of the biggest things I have learned from Jaya is to follow my heart. I know the decision to move away from her family in Australia was probably one of the hardest decisions she has ever made, yet she followed her heart and took a huge leap of faith to come here which is beyond inspiring. It takes so much courage sometimes to listen to your heart and take a chance, especially in Jaya’s case to move across the world. To me she is the perfect example of what it means to live each moment to its fullest, and living without regret. At the end of the day, people regret the chances they never took. Jaya inspires me to take chances and listen to my heart. I admire her so much, probably more than she realizes.

Without further ado, here is my beautiful Aussie sister Jaya:


Your Name:  

Jaya Henderson


What do you do for a living:

Currently looking for a job that I would love to do… Hopefully in radio and/or television 🙂


What inspires you:

Many different things, my Mum and Nanna are amazing women; they inspire me everyday, Cristie and her Modern Muse Blog! Watching friends and family overcoming incredibly hard times showing me just how strong we can be, a quote I’ll see during the day, beauty in nature, music definitely inspires me and is a big part of my life.

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How do you stay balanced in your busy life:

Friends and family are very important to me, so staying connected; taking time out to have a chat or send a message to loved ones. Making sure I am grateful for each day, and if things haven’t gone so well, reflecting on what happened and how I can work on that. Meditation is definitely something I recommend to keep balanced or just taking time out for me, doing something I love, big or small and helping others and all creatures great and small when I can.


What piece of advice would you give your 20-year-old self:

I have so much advice haha! Make a conscious decision to be happy and live life to the fullest. Don’t regret anything you do, you experience things for a reason and those experiences help to make you who you are now. Take chances, travel! Trust your instincts… If you are not happy whether it be in relationships or jobs…don’t stay! Spend as much time with your loved ones as possible. You have two ears, two eyes and one mouth… Think about it! Without sounding like a Disney movie “Let it go!” Holding onto things from the past is only hurting you… no one else.


How can people connect with you:

I’m on twitter and Instagram



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